What Website would be complete,without taking a humorous
look at our former President-Slick Willie! Don`t get me wrong,I think he did far more for the Country than "Dubya" ever
will;its just the "way he went about it"!
What a great bargain for the country-We got two for the price of one!
For a while,He could do no wrong,& had fans everywhere!
Then along about 1996, his attention began to wonder,& he needed a boost in morale....
He began to over-eat alot of spicy , & fatty foods...
In no time at all,his Presidency went right down the toilet!
Then ole Slick has to lie under oath,trying to protect his family.
And this is how it almost ended;The first President since Jackson,to be impeached.Still,Ole Slick managed
to keep his pension,at least till " Dubya" takes it away,& gives it to Iraq......